I feel like I lost my train of thought in October and still haven’t found it again. November was all cleaning, little writing. December has been all traveling and holiday preparations. Now, it’s time for a new year to begin and I’m scrambling to get my mind back on track.
Nearly all of my October posts were about editing, literary agents, and query letters. January will be about major editing. No agents and querying, but a thousand other things are in the works. And, as my friend Kasie reminded me yesterday, I have to write something in the next week for critique group. First chapter of my next novel?
So, yeah, three days left in this year and I’m already stressed about the next one. In some aspects, you can take one day at a time, but in most, you can’t really do that. The business of writing takes planning. I now have certain tasks to be done in a certain order by a certain time.
I’m trying to ignore the actual number of tasks though. Overwhelming leads to inaction. When the new year starts, I’ll keep my eyes down and edit my heart out.
Your turn: Are you winging it with your writing in 2011, or do you have a plan?
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Filed under: Agent, Editing, Fiction, Goals, Novel, Query, Writing Tagged: 2011, business plan, editing, literary agent, New Year, Query letter, Writing, Writing and Editing, writing goals